Preparation Fee |
Included |
Included |
Kitchen Kit (per booking) |
$110.00 |
$120.00 |
Linen Kit (per person) |
$85.00 |
$85.00 |
Additional driver (per night) |
$5.00 |
$5.00 |
US Travel Fee |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
Northern Surcharge |
$650.00 |
$690.00 |
Whitehorse Surcharge (pick ups in YXY only) |
$300.00 |
$350.00 |
One Way Fee (except Calgary/Edmonton to Vancouver) |
$1100.00 |
$1100.00 |
One Way Fee (Calgary/Edmonton to Vancouver) |
$1550.00 |
$1550.00 |
Sunday Pickup (1 October - 30 April) |
$435.00 |
$435.00 |
Sunday Drop off (1 October - 30 April) |
$435.00 |
$435.00 |
Late Drop off (drop off by 3.00pm) |
$75/hr |
$75/hr |
Generator Usage
Applies to pick ups from 1 May to 30 September only. |
$3.50/hr |
$3.50/hr |
Personal Demonstration |
$50.00 |
$50.00 |
RV Collection (maximum distance 450km - 200km at our Halifax and Edmonton locations). Note this service is not available in Whitehorse. |
$300 first
50km then
$3 per extra km |
$300 first
50km then
$3 per extra km |
RV Delivery (maximum distance 450km - 200km at our Halifax and Edmonton locations). Note this service is not available in Whitehorse. |
$300 first
50km then
$3 per extra km |
$300 first
50km then
$3 per extra km |